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Software for pedigree livestock farmers and breed societies
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Labradoodle, Goldendoodle and Chocolate Labrador puppies in Monmouthshire, UK - Wentwood Labradoodles and Labradors
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The pure breed dogs of the United kingdom.
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Our Cats Newspaper - Pedigree cat shows, feline news, cat breede...
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Guinea Pigs World - Full of information about your pet
An informative site with lots of useful information about guinea pigs from feeding, to breeds, to where they came from. You can also buy your pet products here too, plus lots more. Now you can even jo...
Silkenwood German Shepherds
Silkenwood German Shepherds,boarding kennels and cattery, agent for Arden Grange Dog Food, and Greens of Mepal dog kennels and runs,
National Federation of Flying Breed Pigeons
Catering for West of England Fllying Tumblers, Exhibition and Flying Tipplers, Exhibition and Flying Birmingham Rollers

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