Stress Management Training, Consultants, Workshops & Resilie...
In Equilibrium is a training and consultancy organisation, specialising in stress management, work life balance and resilience training courses and workshops in the UK. coaching, speaking and training. Stress, confi...
Personal and Group Coaching: stress, confidence, weight loss, relating, relationships, workplace bullying.
Employment Law Training :: ELT
Employment Law Training and Employment Law Consultancy offer a range of services and training in all Employment Law matters.
Employment Relations Solicitors
Employment solicitors providing advice on all aspects of workplace law for both employers and employees including discrimination, dismissal, maternity rights, discipline and grievance procedures.
Mediation, Workplace Mediation, Mediation Training, Professional...
PMR Ltd are UK experts in Workplace Mediation- offering an accredited Certificate in Mediation in the Workplace, coaching, and independent mediation for inter-personal conflicts and complaints between...
Bullying UK - The UK Anti-bullying Charity - BullyingUK Register...
Bullying UK - Help and advice for victims of bullying their parents and school - Registered Charity Number:1120107
Anti-Bullying Week
Anti-Bullying Events for Young People
Hypnotherapy - John Gallacher - Consultant Hynotherapist and Lif...
John Gallacher is an experienced Life Coach and hypnotherapist practicing for over 26 years, specialising in emotional and psychological problems,stress elimination and motivational psychology and Lif...
Employment Tribunal Claims advice from Tribunal Consult
Tribunal Consult provide advice and support for either a claimant or respondent on a wide range of employment tribunal claims


Categories and tags

pressure  bullying  well  being  harassment  resilience  equilibrium  confidence  change  mind  workplace  freedom  lifecoach  data  maternity  dismissal  discrimination  unions  discipline  absence  appraisals  disability  employee  race  rights  unfair  redundancy  working  employer  gender  ageism  tribunals  stre  mediation  bo  conflict  resolution  charity  parents  teachers  pupils  action  bully  week  beat  november  hickson  empowerment  physical  hypnotherapy  phobias  panic  attacks  john  psychological  abuse  addictions  gallacher  claustrophobia  wrongful  constructive  racial  defending