From Celtic Jewellery and silver charms to a wide variety of rings including claddagh and signet rings, we have a spectacular range of jewellery at British Jewellery Workshops
Genuine Scottish art/stickers/prints by Scots in Scotland, evocative original unusual varied ranges of work inspired by our history tradition myth legends humour
Celtic silver jewellery and gifts; offers details of products, store locations, and contacts. On-line ordering available.
Tattoo Shop in Manchester offer tattoo design, tribal tattoos, and body piercing in Manchester. We have professional tattoo artist in house, book today.
Silver Celtic Jewellery - Claddaugh, Celtic cross, Harp, Triskele etc.
Designers and manufacturers of exclusive designs of jewellery made with pewter. Check out the products and exhibitions and shop online.
Sells Celtic jewellery, CDs, reproduction medieval and samurai swords, chainmail and even a suit of armour. Delivers to the UK and outside.
Makes Celtic rings in a workshop on Skye. View the selection named after Scottish mountains, and use the order form to purchase.
Celtic shop offers modern re-productions of ancient-design inspired jewelry, clothes and monuments. Find a list of publications.
Enter the store and browse the selection of Scottish and Celtic jewellery. Order products securely online.
Browse the glittering gifts of wedding rings as well as Celtic and designer jewellery on offer from this Scottish designer.
Order from the selection of Celtic earring, pendants and brooches. Read the meaning of the symbols, some even include historical information.
Designs, manufactures and sells Scottish jewellery and giftware. Check out details of the visitor centre in Kirkwall.
Designer of traditional and Celtic influenced jewellery. Provides contact details for offices in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Find a range of gold products to buy from this secure facility including Celtic wedding rings and Art Nouveau inspired designs. Features photos.
Look at the stock carried by this Northern Ireland supplier of Celtic and Claddagh jewellery. Includes pendants, rings, fobs and earrings.
Buy Art Noveau, Celtic and Charles Rennie Mackintosh watches, clocks, Zippo lighters and SOS Talisman jewellery.
Find sales and specials of Irish Celtic and Claddagh jewellery on sale at this secure shop. Prices are in US dollars. |
Categories and tagsjewellery celtic silver st gold rings bracelets cross masonic charms christopher signet lockets home art artists scotland scottish land artistic landscape mountains original inspirational outstanding beautiful roots majestic scots exciting inspiring awesome artistry scotia shopping online jewelry mackintosh thistle shop in manchester designs butterfly piercing tattoo tribal tattoos fashion & beauty |