Popcorn Pictures
Popcorn Pictures - reviewing the best and worst of horror, science fiction and fantasy since 2000
Mythical and Fantasy Creatures
Web Pages about Mythical creatures, featuring Dragons, Demons, Gods and Goddesses, Egyptian Mythology, Mayan Mythology, Celtic Mythology, Greek Mythology and Norse Mythology
SexGoreMutants - The Independent home of Horror on DVD
Launched on Halloween night 1999, *** Gore Mutants is one of the longest running websites promoting horror and cult films on DVD, Blu-ray and in Theatres with reviews, interviews and more


Categories and tags

horror  fantasy  popcorn  zombies  creatures  ghosts  monsters  vampires  demons  slashers  werewolves  remakes  egyptian  naga  dragons  gods  dwarfs  mermaids  mythology  thunderbird  goblins  phoenix  elves  mythical  orcs  norse  beasts  halloween  dead  importing  customs  region  gore  raimi  army  evil  witch  campbell  blair  banned  misfits  argento  importation