ISO9001 Interim, Technical, Operations and ITIL Service Delivery...
Rosestar Systems Limited provide ISO9001 quality certified interim and IT technical, operations and service delivery (ITIL) management services on a UK, European or Global basis.
Accounting Payroll SA100 SA800 & SA900 Self Assessment Tax Retur...
Business Software Online is operated by Andica Limited - developer of Andica Software range of Tax returns SA100, SA800 and Payroll and distributors of popular business software QuickBooks Accounting...
Plant Hire Jobs, Tool Hire Jobs, Executive Hire Jobs
Executive Hire Jobs is a dedicated non-agency recruitment website for Plant Hire Jobs and Tool Hire Jobs.
Office Jobs, Admin Jobs, Receptionist Jobs, Secretary Jobs, Offi...
Office Jobs - Search Office Jobs including Admin Jobs, Receptionist Jobs and Secretary Jobs from leading Office Recruiters and companies.
Scotz Net, Scotland's local Internet Service Provider based in P...
Scotz.Net. We are a Scotland based Internet Service Provider and Web development company combining the best of modern Internet technologies with the traditional Scottish values of personal hands-on se...
Easy Password Manager - Manage Passwords, Auto Fill Forms, One C...
Easy Password Manager is a secure password management system that allows One-Click login to many Internet accounts. A single Master Password gives access to all the contained data. The integrated Form...
DRS: Electronic automated data capture services and document sca...
DRS has 40 years experience of global data capture and processing solutions for examinations, student registration, elections, census, and document processing.
Tales from the IT side | The random rantings of an IT mind&#8230...
Tales from the IT Side, William Faulkner IT Manager/Director. Thoughts, hints and tips on all things IT and anything else that grabs my attention.
Become - Recruitment for the Creative and Digital sectors in the...
We are a recruitment company placing top people across the digital and creative sector with offices across London, Manchester and Sydney.
Jobs working with Children & Young People | Childcare Jobs |...
Find the latest jobs working with Children & Young People with CYPNow Jobs- the best place to find childcare jobs, safeguarding children jobs, children's centre jobs and youth worker jobs across the U...
Health & Safety Jobs - SHP 4 jobs
Find Health and Safety jobs on the official jobsite of IOSH. Search for vacancies and recruitment opportunities in Health and Safety from SHP magazine jobs, UK and international. Search and apply for...
Management Training Courses | MTD Training Management Courses |...
MTD are the management Training Specialists offering a wide variety of Management Training Courses for all levels of Manager Training. We offer Management Courses and Management Development Programmes...
WHSmith PLC - Welcome to the WHSmith PLC site.
The Gaffa your ultimate Football Manager website
The Gaffa is your ultimate Football Manager website covering most of the FM releases, including FM2010, FM2009, FM2008 and FM2007. We offer free FM downloads, tactics and more.
Lyons Davidson
Lyons Davidson is a national law practice of 35 partners and over 1100 staff operating from principal offices in Bristol and regional offices in Solihull, Leeds, Greater London, Plymouth and Cardiff....
JK Internet Ltd - Home
JK Internet Limited. Developers of web site content-management and integration software used to build powerful and sophisticated web site solutions. Our sites interact with customers, and provide what...
Park Databases (small)
Park Databases (small) produce high quality low cost easy and ready to use databases
Asset Management & UK Investment Funds - AXA Investment Managers...
AXA Investment Managers are an asset management company specialising in investment management for a wide range of clients
Royal London Asset Management
RLAM is one of the UK's leading asset management companies, investing on behalf of a wide range of pension fund, intermediary and private clients. We have a proven track record of delivering investmen...
tycom - Ty-com Business Systems - IT for Business - Aberdeen IT...
Providing innovative software and IT hardware to businesses across Scotland. tycom provide Aberdeen IT Support, Accounting Software, Payroll Software, Virtual IT Management, Desktop and Server Support...

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