Polytec: Polytec Inc. - Home
In automotive, data storage and aerospace to biomedical, micro- and nano-technology, Polytec offers laser-Doppler vibrometers and velocimeters designed as real solutions to our customers difficult man...
Technology for Industry - consultants in technology transfer
Technology for Industry provides the link between industry and new technology emerging from research.
Welcome to Nano Magazine
Nano Magazine - The Magazine for Small Science. Nano Magazine is a dynamic magazine at the leading edge of nanotechnology.It features views, news and reviews that appeal to a spectrum of interests, ra...


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laser  speed  surface  ldv  measurement  vibration  topography  mems  doppler  vibrometers  modal  planning  partnerships  integrated  strategic  asics  circuits  tfi  images  lab  nano  manufacturing  chip  report  molecular  nanotechnology  nanotubes