Transfected Stable Cell Lines, Custom Viral Service, Gene Editin...
A leading provider for stable cell lines, virus particles, gene-editing services, RNA synthesis & functional studies, and microbiology services for the life science community.
BioPoint a division of Science Direct - Biomolecular separations...
BioPoint, Bio Point, Electrophoresis Apparatus, Imaging and laboratory equiment, scientific prodcts, electrophoresis, and consumables,Hoefer, Serva, BioStep, BioImage, Consort, animal ear punch, DNA...
Royal Naval Association
Royal Naval Association an organization for Former and Serving members of the RN,RM,WRNS and QARNNS


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custom  line  lines  creative  construction  cell  based  service  testing  generation  editing  stable  viral  discovery  target  rna  gene  libraries  synthesis  chain  dna  laboratory  clinical  scientific  genomics  functional  pcr  genetics  pathology  reaction  proteomics  geno  royal  navy  able  association  forces  naval  jenny  rn  shipmates  marines  wrns  wrens  stoker  seaman