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Search by manufacturer or price for fashion handbags, gloves, scarves or ties by names such as Dents, Mulberry or Radley.
Jacqui's Bags
Browse leather bags, purses and accessories on offer from this retailer in Hemel Hempstead. Includes an order form and contact details.
Find unique silk bags and accessories, gifts, innovative art work, products for the home and individually made furniture. Browse the shop and buy online.
Handbags and Gladrags
Buy genuine handbags, purses and accessories from designers including Gucci, Prada and Fendi.
Forever Young
Design service offers the chance to create a bag to personal specifications. Contact the Essex company for a sample.
Erica Quincy
View the collection of hand knitted bags in practical or more formal styles. Provides pricing information, a diary of events and contact details.
Custard Shop
View the collection of fun and fashionable bags on offer from this retailer with stores in East Sussex. Includes product and contact details.
Buy bags, jewellery, lamps, clocks and cards from Japan. Find pictures and descriptions of each item plus a look at the company.
Carpet Bags Plus
View lightweight carpet bags, purses, and luggage in Oriental patterns, made in England. Prices in pounds.
Bags Plus
Carries brief cases, suitcases, leather and travel bags to order by phone from the store in Norfolk. View the special offers and prices.
Buy Designer Purses & Wallets
Great Savings On Purses & Wallets. Buy Online & Next Day Delivery.
NHS Alliance
Represents groups and individuals working in primary care, and allows the sharing of knowledge and practice guidelines. Includes an events diary.
National Primary Care Development Team
Explore the background to this team's work, which focuses on improving access to primary healthcare. Supplies FAQs and links.
National Institute for Clinical Excellence
NHS body charged with establishing guidance on best practice in relation to drugs, treatments and services provides project news and appraisals.
Health Education Board for Scotland
National agency for health education in Scotland. Provides extensive resources for professionals and the public.
Royal Free NHS Negligence
The truth about how Bob died at Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust.
Health & Safety Executive
Warns of health and safety issues in the workplace and provides of list of resources including videos and publications on these issues.
HDA Evidence Base
Health Development Agency resource provides a searchable gateway to reports, Web sites and research findings on health improvement issues.
East Highland Local Health Care Co-operative
Provides advice on the services available at GPs, dentists, opticians and pharmacists in the area. Part of Highland Primary Care Trust.

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