Panmure Arms Hotel Edzell - Dundee, Aberdeen, Drumtochtie, Stone...
Panmure Arms Hotel in Edzell is located in the heart of Scotland between Dundee and Aberdeen near Brechin, Montrose, Drumtochtie and Kirriemuir
Stonehaven Open Air Swimming Pool - Home
Unique, Olympic-size (50m) open air swimming pool with clean, filtered sea water heated to 28 deg C. Toddlers' paddling pool, sheltered sun terraces, on-site cafe all within restored Art Deco building...
Stonehaven Folk Festival - 2011 - Ticket Information, Programme...
Welcome to the Stonehaven Folk Festival, held annually in July. Programme, reports, ticket information and more!


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aberdeen  dundee  angus  staying  arms  montrose  edzell  brechin  stonehaven  kirriemuir  heated  pool  swimming  deco  outdoor  bath  listed  attraction  aberdeenshire  lido  tradition  festival  folk