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Siserone: comprehensive web/email services and excellent customer service
For the best jobs in the not-for-profit and charity sectors -...
JobsinCharity is the UK's leading job search site for permanent, part time, full time & voluntary jobs with Charity's and Not-fo-Profit Organisations. Fundraising jobs, Marketing Jobs, Sec...
Specialtours - Art and Cultural Tours for the Discerning Travell...
Specialtours arranges imaginative art-orientated escorted tours for museums, cultural societies and garden groups, featuring exclusive private visits. Specialtours is an established leader in the fiel...
Online shopping is made easy at THESHOPWEB. Shop at the top UK s...
Online shopping directory of all the top UK shops. Listing all the big name high street online shops and more.
Slow Coast by Nick Hand. On Tuesday 10 August 2010 I am heading off from Belfast to cycle around the coast of Ireland. If you would like to sponsor the ride, I am raising money for Parkinson’s Disease...
running 10k 5k 21k surrey southeast guildford forest hills
running 10k 5k 21k surrey southeast guildford woking hills forest crosscountry triathlon duathlon mountain bike race racing races off on road swimming enduro 1500m 3800m marshals volunteers charity fu...
A Way Out - Reaching, Changing and Saving Lives
A Way Out are a women and young persons outreach, education and prevention charity, seeking to reach, change and save the lives of at risk women, children and young people.
PR Products - Quality Label Manufacturers
PR Products provide self adhesive labels to all types of businesses and industries with flexibility to produce small to large runs at competitive rates.
Kariandusi School Trust
Kariandusi School Trust, helping build and refurbish schools in Africa - the Christian community website from Christian Aid. - the Christian community website from Christian Aid.
Skyline: Skydiving, Parachuting, Charity Skydiving across UK
Skyline specialises in beginners parachuting and skydiving courses across the UK including FREE charity jumps.
.:. Housing Options - Your gateway to affor...
Housing Options - Your gateway to affordable housing - Shared Ownership
UK Fundraising | Information and community for professional char...
UK Fundraising - improving the effectiveness of charity and non-profit fundraisers
Portobello Homepage
West London based amateur orchestra. Performs regular concerts in aid of local charities. New members welcome
Welcome to The Skinners’ Company website
The Skinners' Company, one of the Great Twelve livery companies of the City of London, provides charitable grant giving, housing for the elderly and has a stunning hall available to hire
Home -
Charity Bowel Cancer UK with offices in London and Edinburgh, raises awareness of bowel cancer and provides practical support and advice about the disease.
Moon Bears - Helping Animals Asia Charity
Helping to end moon bear farms in China
Church Software, Gift Aid Software, Charity Account Software, Ch...
Data Developments are specialist providers of software solutions for churches and charities including charity account software, church accounting and HMRC gift aid software solutions.
Eye Candy Hair Studio Derby UK
Eye Candy, Derby's most luxurious hair destination, and winner of British Hairdressing Newcomer 2006 only months after it opened. Located at the prestigous address of 1 Queen Street in the historic...

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