Study English, Spanish and other languages live with a teacher over the Internet!
Maths for SATS English national curriculum - Accelerated Education Publications
Exercises, examples, explanations and games for s of English and TESOL teachers. Guide to English grammar, academic writing and international examinations in English.
GermanAnywhere is an effective new tool for practising vocabulary, spelling and translation skills online.
free teaching resources and teaching ideas for primary school teachers - classroom displays, lesson plans, reading journals, worksheets, wordsearches and spellings, schemes of work, dual language sign...
Concordance: software for text analysis. Gain better insight into e-texts.
A vocabulary development strategy which encourages students to develop good independent language learning habits with the help of a well-organised vocabulary notebook
BSL Resources - Find out about British Sign Language (BSL) or learn British Sign Language online with our interactive online course... 1 |
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