XSLT FAQ. Docbook FAQ. Braille.
Dave Pawson's home page - extensive XSL and XSLT FAQ, including: nbsp, special charachters, if and replace documentation. Docbook and Relax-ng FAQ, Braille info, XSLT-FO book info, Nodesets blog
Safety Signs | Health Signs | Custom Made Signage | From Stocksi...
Stocksigns health and safety signs and general signage manufacturer, 30 000 safety signs in stock, custom made and bespoke signs and signage systems, Safety Signs partner with RoSPA. All materials inc...
Atlas - language translation and interpreting services UK, forei...
London based Atlas Translations offers high quality language service: translation, interpreting, proofreading, voiceover, cultural diversity training, British Sign Language, Braille, localization
Safety Signs, Health and Safety Signs, Traffic Signs, Constructi...
Online store for Safety Signs, Low prices on Hazard Signs, Mandatory Signs, Prohibition Signs, Fire Signs, Safety Posters, Custom Made Signs, Traffic Signs, Tapes and Labels.
Techno-Vision Systems Ltd - Where Customer Service Counts!
A range of products & services for blind and visually impaired people.
Matador Models
Matador Models and Airfield Accessories is a growing company producing resin and metal kits of small scale vehicles
Identify Engraving Systems - home
The Bible Society in Northern Ireland
The Bible Society in Northern Ireland with global partners work to achieve the most effective translation, publication, and distribution of the Bible in all the languages spoken today. This website is...
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Fresh thinking ensures your marketing and communications get noticed. From strategic direction to final delivery, WordLink provides creative solutions to nourish your UK and world markets.


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