Translation Agency | Translation services | Circle Translations...
Professional translation agency - Circle Translations. We Are A Team of experienced professional translators.
Home - KL Translations
KL Translations is a leading translation services agency. Our key services are document translation, interpreting, transcription and subtitling services
Translator UK | Translation Company London | Spanish English Fre...
Translator UK - Translation company in London, UK with translators specialised in Spanish to English translation. Other languages include French Arabic German Greek Italian Portuguese Russian Swedish
London Translation Services
Translation company providing Translation Services in London | Home
Lord Translations - German to English Translations
Lord Translations is a translation agency specialising in legal translation and medical translation from German to English and Spanish to English.
BR•\ND: Stories, Plays Poems, Creative NonFiction
BRAND LITERARY MAGAZINE focuses on the short form, international writing and left of field work. BRAND publishes original short stories, plays, poems and creative non-fiction. Each issue also features...
Gallic Books » Gallic Home
Gallic Books is a new publishing house dedicated to bringing contemporary French authors to the UK market. At Gallic we feel there is a lot of good French writing that deserves a British audience and...
Language Translation Services and translation agency
translation agency, translation services, language translation , translation agencies uk, translation, language translations, agency
Language resources, electronic translators, translation software...
Language Resource is a dynamic repository of resources for linguistic community. Online and electronic dictionaries, translation software, translators directory, linguistic articles
English Polish Translation
English Polish translation - Professional document translation starting from £45 per 1000 words. Proof-reading included in price... Website translation... Quick E-mail translation ...
Babel Guides: World literature in translation
Guide to world literature in english translation with book database and reviews
Latin translation - Oxford Latin aims to translate any text from...
Oxford Latin offers translation, identification and verification of Latin texts from the Classical and medieval periods, from Christian and non-Christian texts
Atlas - language translation and interpreting services UK, forei...
London based Atlas Translations offers high quality language service: translation, interpreting, proofreading, voiceover, cultural diversity training, British Sign Language, Braille, localization
Intonation - Professional Translation Services | Interpreting Se...
At Intonation, we are passionate about language and culture which is reflected in the way we operate our professional translation services.
Translation Agency Services UK : London Translations : Translati...
London Translations : London based translation agency offering high-quality translation, interpreting and website localisation services.
KES Translate - French to English translation services
KES_Translate provides high-quality French to English translation, proofreading and editing services to businesses and individuals
The Spanish Translation Service | Spanish Interpreting | transl...
The Spanish Translation Service specialise in spanish english translation, spanish translating, spanish tuition, and spanish legal
Language Translation | Translate Free Online
Translation and Localization service in over 141 languages. Professional translation and free online translators.
Online Language Translation Services. LinguaVox Translators.
LinguaVox Translators is an online language translation services company certified according to ISO9001/EN15038, offering online translation in 80 languages: including Spanish, English, French, German...

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